Low Estrogen Symptoms in Women and their Treatment

low estrogen symptoms in women

The hormone estrogen is most often related to females. Men also produce estrogen but only in small amounts. A low level of estrogen or reducing level of estrogen can lead to several health issues and symptoms.

Though in a small amount, these hormones play a significant role in keeping our health in a prime condition. Low estrogen symptoms can be damaging to the body.

Estrogen primarily deals with female development during the stage of puberty and also the reproductive cycle. Not only that, but it also affects bone health and mental well-being. Furthermore, hormone estrogen:

  • Is crucial for sexual development, especially of girls when they reach the stage of puberty.
  • It also controls the development of the lining of the uterine at the time of the menstrual cycle.
  • Changes the breast formation, size and shape and at the beginning of a pregnancy.
  • Helps in the metabolism of cholesterol and bone.
  • Controls food intake
  • Manages body weight
  • Helps in glucose metabolism
  • Responsible for insulin sensitivity

Low Estrogen Symptoms

Ovaries mainly produce estrogen, and low estrogen causes several symptoms to the body. Women who face eating disorders are at more risk of low levels of estrogen.

Girls who have not reached the stage of puberty and women approaching the period of menopause are mostly affected with low estrogen. However, women of all age groups can suffer low estrogen. Let us look at the common symptoms.

  • Sex can be painful due to the low amount of vaginal lubrication
  • Increases the infections of urinary tract infections due to the thinning line of the uterine
  • Absent or irregular periods
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Hot flashes
  • Increases the tenderness of the breast
  • Increasing headaches or increase of the migraines that is pre-existing
  • Increased depression
  • Trouble focusing or concentrating
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Bones become more prone to fractures as the bone density decreases

Estrogen functions along with calcium, Vitamin D, and other essential minerals to maintain healthy bone health. If the problems of low estrogen are left untreated and uncared for, it may gradually lead one to infertility.

Causes of Low Estrogen

As said earlier, estrogen production mainly happens in the ovaries. If there is anything that can affect the ovaries, it will eventually affect estrogen production too. Let us look at the causes that lead to symptoms of low estrogen.

Young women generally experience problems with low-level estrogen-like:

  • Too much exercise
  • Disorders with eating like that of an anorexic patient
  • Weak performance by the pituitary gland
  • Early failure of ovaries due to genetic issues, toxins, or other conditions related to the autoimmune system
  • Turner syndrome
  • Chronic disease of the kidney
  • Chemotherapy
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Being too underweight
  • Ovarian cysts

Age is a major risk factor for low estrogen levels. As the woman approaches the period of menopause, the estrogen level starts to fall. In fact, the estrogen levels begin to drop even several years before the actual menopause hits.

This stage is called perimenopause. During perimenopause, the ovaries will continue to produce estrogen but in a lower amount. And, when one reaches the menopause stage, the production of estrogen completely stops.

Having a family history or genetic issues associated with hormonal problems can also increase the chances of developing low estrogen. These common causes are the common risk factors of low estrogen in women.

Effect of Low Estrogen on Weight

Low estrogen can severely affect the weight of a person. Hormones like estrogen play a vital role in weight management. It also affects the fat storage of the body. Low estrogen levels during the time of perimenopause and menopause may lead to an increase in weight.

The place of fat storage also changes with low estrogen levels. Generally, a woman stores fat mostly in the hip and thigh areas but those changes with estrogen levels.

Estrogen also regulates the metabolism of glucose and lipid. If your estrogen levels are at a low level, it will lead to weight gain. One should follow a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet and exercises to reduce increasing weight. Weight fluctuations can damage the body and lead to several dangerous health problems like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, etc.

Diagnosis of Low Estrogen

Treatment must be followed once the diagnosis of low estrogen is detected to avoid further health issues. It is necessary to consult the doctors if you are facing low estrogen.

A doctor can assess your problem way better. If there have been similar cases of the problem in the family history, it should be reported to the doctors. A doctor will also perform a physical test for you to detect the problem areas. Blood tests are necessary to measure the levels of hormones.

Your levels of estradiol and estrone will also be tested if necessary. In some cases, your doctor may recommend you for a brain scan to find the abnormalities affecting your endocrine system. DNA tests are also performed to assess problems with the endocrine system.

Treatment for Symptoms of Low Estrogen

Not all women need treatment for a low level of estrogen. But if one is facing the symptoms of low estrogen, treatment must be taken. There are generally two types of treatment, and the option of treatment will depend upon the causes of low estrogen in an individual’s body. A doctor can best suggest the perfect way to you.

Therapy of Hormone Replacement

Typically, doctors suggest hormone replacement therapy for people suffering from low estrogen levels. There are different types of treatment.

Usually, doctors recommend a combination of estrogen and progesterone hormone therapy. This therapy helps to maintain the balance of estrogen levels in women facing low estrogen.

This therapy is all the better for those approaching the stage of menopause or those suffering from post-menopause problems. However, one must also be aware of the side effects of this treatment of hormone replacement. They are:

  • Bloating
  • Increased headaches
  • Vaginal bleeding

Women can also treat hormone replacement in several ways: orally, vaginally, topically, pellets under the skin, and injections. The dose varies depending upon the individual problems.

Remember that all women cannot undergo this treatment like those with a history of heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure. It is important to know the pros and cons of hormone replacement treatment before one goes for it.

Estrogen Therapy

Sometimes, doctors only prescribe estrogen to improve estrogen deficiency and increase the low estrogen level. The doctor may ask patients whose ovaries have been removed to go for this estrogen therapy to avoid the low estrogen.

Women within the range of 25 dose amount will depend on the seriousness of the condition. This therapy can also be taken orally, vaginally, topically and via injections. Even one reaches the required estrogen levels, and one should continue to undergo this therapy to sustain the balanced level of estrogen.

In most cases, estrogen therapy is recommended for not more than two years as they are prone to increase cancer risks.

The proper level of estrogen hormone should be maintained for the betterment of the overall health condition. If any woman experiences problems with symptoms should immediately take medical help and consult the doctor for any treatment that might be required. Genetic issues, hormonal imbalances, and certain diseases can lead to low estrogen levels.

This can further interfere and cause a problem with sexual development and functions. Low estrogen can increase obesity, diabetes, bone fracture, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. Treatments have advanced over the years and have become more effective in today’s world.

The treatment for low estrogen levels will vary in duration and dose based on individual problems. Low estrogen in women can be a serious issue and lead to many severe health conditions if left untreated.

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