Best Tea to Treat Colds: Types, Benefits & Best Tea When Sick

best tea to treat colds

A cold can actually ruin your day like nothing else. Expect to have a sore throat, watery eyes, runny nose, coughing, sneezing and aching all over the body.

Funnily, there is no cure for the common cold except for trying all kinds of methods to keep you feeling better. It will typically last for a week or two.

During this time, try to consume warm liquids like soups and teas to make you feel slightly better after consumption.

Here are some of the different types of tea that you can make at home to feel a little comfortable.

lemon honey tea

1. Lemon And Honey Tea

This concoction is one of the easiest and most consumed tea for colds. Warm tea works as a decongestant and is useful for the treatment of colds.

Lemon contains vitamin, which is good for immunity, and its antibacterial properties help beat cold and cough. Honey has soothing properties and is considered very effective for calming the tendency to cough.

It heals the sore throat and suppresses the coughing tendency. At the same time, mixing hot water with lemon and honey use a little bit of cinnamon and alcohol to make it even more powerful. Excess alcohol will leave you feeling dehydrated, while a little bit will provide restful sleep.

woman drinking regular tea

2. Regular Tea

The regular tea is made from the extract of a plant called Camellia Sinensis. It contains a little bit of caffeine on which you can safely sip all through the day.

This hot liquid helps in decongesting the system and clearing the sinuses and mucous in the system. It soothes the irritation in the throat, and the antioxidants present have important antibacterial and antiviral properties.

A study has revealed that the tannin present in this type of tea is useful for controlling the bacteria found in your throat during the common cold.

white bowl with ginger tea

3. Ginger Tea

Ginger is very effective in case of cold and flu. The aromatic and spicy fragrance of the root opens up the nasal passages and helps you breathe.

Gingerol, a chemical compound found in ginger, helps the body fight the virus and aids in quick recovery.

In case you are feeling nauseous, ginger tea can be beneficial. Making this tea is very easy, and it is also the best tea for a cold. Put a small piece of ginger in a pan and boil it with some water.

You can add some lime if you want. When the water is boiling, simmer it for some time and allow the extract to come out. Strain the concoction and drink while it is hot.

peppermint tea for cough

4. Peppermint Tea

Methol found in peppermint is a common ingredient in most of the cough drops found over the counter. The chief function of menthol is to relieve congestion and help in productive coughs.

Peppermint oil has antiviral properties. You can either buy the peppermint from a store or if you have some fresh peppermint leaves at home, then also you can boil them in water. Consume peppermint tea in limitation because an excess of it can be toxic for you.

eucalyptus leaves for flu and cold

5. Eucalyptus

The benefits of eucalyptus in medicine and curing of ailments cannot be undermined. Originally from Australia, the eucalyptus leaves are beneficial for relieving the signs of flu and cold.

Eucalyptol is the chemical compound that is found in eucalyptus leaves. It is useful for chest decongestion, making the phlegm loose and bringing relief to the cold.

In the case of influenza, eucalyptus is particularly useful. In certain cases, you can get skin rashes by the consumption of eucalyptus tea. So, it is best to consult a doctor before consuming the same.

hibiscus and rose hip

6. Hibiscus And Rose Hip

Hibiscus has the maximum number of antioxidants and is also rich in Vitamin C. It is a medicinal herb that tastes a bit like sour tea and can be drunk hot and cold.

However, if you are suffering from flu and cold, it is better to consume it hot. Tea from the rosehip is also useful for fighting flu infection. It has the benefits of Vitamin A as well as C.

sage tea benefits

7. Sage Tea

Sage has multiple medicinal benefits and is extra effective if you have a cough and sore throat. Making this tea is very easy because you need to put some dried sage leaves in hot boiling water.

Let it steep for a few minutes so that extracts can be released properly. It is advantageous to boost the mood and to create a positive vibrancy in the room.

echinacea flowers tea

8. Echinacea Tea

Echinacea is a type of herb grown in the USA’s Rocky Mountains. It is also found in Europe and Canada. The medicine can be extracted from its flowers, leaves, and root.

This herb is considered one of the strongest herbal tea against flu and cold. Echinacea is highly effective in bringing down the duration of the sickness and the severity of the illness.

The teabags containing echinacea need to be boiled for some time before they can be consumed. However, it should not be consumed for more than two weeks. It is the best tea when sick but should be taken in moderation.

Therefore, if you wonder what kind of tea is good for the cold or best for the cold, this exhaustive list should be useful and easy enough to gather. So, sip on the hot liquids and feel the warmth spreading through your body. Get well soon.

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