Pineapple Juice for Cough and Cold

pineapple juice for cough and cold

Pineapple juice for cough and cold has always been a good remedy—nutrients of pineapple juice help to soothe the symptoms of a cough and cold.

In the year 2010, found out that the juice of pineapple is an effective solution for the treatment of tuberculosis. This juice helps calm the throat irritation and helps dissolve the green and yellow mucus or phlegm.

This study in 2010 also showed that a mixture of the juice of pineapple, salt, pepper, and honey could reduce the symptoms of a cough and cold almost five times more than many cough syrups. The home remedy of pineapple thus is always a better alternative to cough syrup.

Benefits of Pineapple Juice

Pineapple is a versatile fruit. The pineapple juice benefits are in abundance. It constitutes a blend of bromelain, an enzyme with properties of strong anti-inflammation.

This content of bromelain is useful for helping one with respiratory issues like asthma and allergies. Bromelain contains mucolytic properties, which help to break up and discharge mucus.

Another surprising benefit that bromelain offers is that it has the potential to combat cancerous cells too. Apart from pineapple juice, other effective traditional treatments and medicines depend on the various causes of cough and cold.

For example, pineapple juice can be an excellent treatment for asthma, but that does not mean you will throw away the inhaler the doctor prescribed to you.

If your cough and cold stays longer for weeks, cause the sufferance and disturbs your sleep, it is best to take the medical advice of doctors and request the treatment needed for you to cure. Many are allergic to pineapple and other tropical fruits. They should strictly avoid consuming pineapple juice during their treatment phase.

There are other healthy and useful contents of pineapple juice that are beneficial for us:

  • The content of Vitamin C for eyesight and immune system.
  • Fiber to aid in digestion.
  • Manganese that helps to prevent the damage of cells and reduces signs of aging.
  • Bromelain enzyme which carries high anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Zinc, beta-carotene, copper, and folate that improves fertility.

Cough Remedies of Pineapple Juice for Home

Pineapple juice for cough can be used in several ways as a home remedy. Here are a few recipes with pineapple juice that you can try, and they will provide you with the best results.

Traditional Recipe with Pineapple Juice, Salt, Pepper, and Honey

This is the most common remedy with pineapple juice and other simpler ingredients. To try this traditional home remedy, mix:

  • Pineapple juice of 1 cup
  • Add some salt
  • A pinch of pepper
  • Honey of 1 1/2 tbsp

It is advised to drink this mixture of 1/4th of a cup thrice each day. It is equally important to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day to release the mucus from the body.

Pineapple Juice Drink with a Punch

This innovative cough remedy recipe is based on the additional mixture of ginger and cayenne pepper for a spicy punch. Make this preparation at home with the following:

  • Pineapple juice 1 1/2 tbsp
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of pepper
  • Honey 1 1/2 tbsp
  • Ginger root 3 inches
  • Lemon juice 1/4 cup
  • Cayenne pepper 1/2 tsp

Drink 1/4th of a cup three times a day.

Popsicle of Strawberry and Pineapple

Popsicles, even though cold, can help to soothe the irritation in the throat. The ingredient of strawberries is loaded with vitamin C that boosts immunity. To make these popsicles mix:

  • Pineapple juice 3/4 cup
  • Strawberries chopped in 2 cups
  • Pineapple chunks of 1 cup

Put the entire mixture into a Popsicle tray and freeze it for a minimum of three hours till it turns solid.

pineapple with honey and lemon juice

Other Home Remedies for Recovering Cough

People may consider taking remedies other than pineapple juice for dry cough. Some people may be allergic to pineapple and can take the help of other remedies to reduce mucus and dry cough. Let us look at the other drinks and food to relieve the symptoms of a cough and cold.

  • Warm water with honey and lemon juice: As we all know honey can help to reduce throat irritation and sooth it. Lemon carries properties of natural anti-bacterial. Combining these two with warm water will act as a miracle.
  • Ginger tea: Ginger too acts as a wonderful medicine as it too carries anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Hot soup: Hot piping soup can pleasure irritate throat like nothing. A bowl of hot soup is comforting, soothing and will definitely reduce the discomfort.
  • Hot and spicy foods: Spicy food contains capsaicin which is a chemical that helps to reduce the mucus. So, spicy food can reduce the chest congestion, clear the throat and release mucus easily through the nose.
  • Plenty of vegetables and fruits: They that are a rich source of vitamin C which boosts the immune system. The body can better act as protection and fight against cough and cold.

Things One Should Avoid During Cough and Cold:

Certain things tend to aggravate cough and cold symptoms, and one should strictly avoid them. They are:

  • Coffee: Coffee contains caffeine which leads to dehydration and eventually more cough.
  • Cigarettes: We all know that this is injurious to health. During a cough, cigarettes should be avoided strictly as its smoke can irritate the lungs and throat. It is best to avoid any sort of smoke or ash or any other pollutant during this time.
  • Dairy Products: Dairy products lead to mucus formation.
  • Fried foods: Dry-fried foods can irritate the throat and make one cough.

Pineapple for dry cough remedy is the perfect option. But, it carries other great health benefits too. Pineapple also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help treat pain and swell in sports injuries and osteoarthritis.

The bromelain in pineapple acts as potential anti-cancer property. Plus, Vitamin C also helps to prevent the development of cataracts and heart disease. This fruit is easily available in the market. You can drink its juice and make other recipes with it. This is not all! Pineapple offers innumerable benefits and works like magic to cure a cough and cold.

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