Causes of Lump on Back of Head

causes of lump on back of head

When we are careless or pay the least attention while walking, we might bang on the wall or anything hard. Bumping into something unknowingly not just hurts but causes a bump on the head, which is hard and hurts more when touched.

However, several other reasons might cause bumps on the head. And when you see and feel the bump on the head, you might panic and get worried, but instead of all this, you must take a deep breath.

Another lesser-known fact is that there are three more kinds of lumps formation – a lump on the right side of the head, a lump on the left side of the head, a lump behind the ear and a lump on the back of the head. And each one of them has its respective causes and issues related to the problem.

Let us, in brief, discuss the three problems individually before bumping into the causes and remedies of the problems.

Lumps on the Back of the Head (Right Side)

Often the lump on this portion of the head keeps appearing and disappearing from time to time. Well, this situation is a major concern and a cause of worrying too. This kind of hard lump does not go away easily. This may be caused due to lipoma or a sebaceous cyst.

Another cause of this bump can be abnormal tissue growth. However, the lump may be painless. Therefore, to treat this lump or bump needs to undergo proper tests and diagnosis.

Lumps on the Back of the Head (Left Side)

There might be the formation of a lump on the left side of the head. This kind of lump is painful and caused due to swollen lymph nodes or enlarged salivary glands. One of the surprising facts of the cause can be as small as an allergy, but it can become severe as mouth cancer.

However, this can be treated using home remedies and cure the bump, but this does not state that the lump should skip any medical checkups. Therefore, before applying and using their remedies, one must concern a doctor to prevent the lump from getting severe.

Lump on the Back of the Head (NHS)

Now now, it is clear that the lump is not a huge problem. However, a doctor check is necessary whenever a new lump is formed on your head. A lump formation at the back of the back NHS can be caused due to several reasons, which includes:

  • Goiter
  • Swollen Glands
  • Skin Tag
  • Cyst

What Leads to Formation of Lumps or Bumps:

Before one jumps to the treatment of the lumps, one must be aware of the causes of the bumps or lumps. However, a huge list of causes might be as small as a usual bump to something very crucial as cancer.

1. Head Injury

One of the most common and usual causes of the formation of the bump is a head injury—unknowing banging your head on a hard surface like a wall or door.

Whenever one hits the wall, they suffer from a bump, which signs that the body is naturally treating it. Now, if the bump is accompanied by blood clotting, the issue should immediately concern the doctor. However, these bumps heal very soon. 

2. Ingrown Hair

Sometimes, carelessness due to shaving your hair or a break-off causes ingrown hair on the head.

The bump formation is hard and might result in a puss-filled lump also. It then causes redness and swelling accompanied by severe pain. However, the ingrown hair is harmless as the hair continues to grow.

3. Folliculitis

Inflammation of any infection of the hair follicle causes folliculitis. This can be caused due to bacterial and fungal infections, which are either redhead or whitehead pimples. Folliculitis is commonly known as razor bumps, hot tub rash or barber’s itch.

This can be easily treated by avoiding a few things like shaving, going into a swimming pool. In rare cases, the infection might increase, and the patient has to go through laser hair removal or surgery.

4. Seborrheic Keratosis

This is the most common cause in adults. These typically appear on the head or near the neck area. The person might panic as the appearance of the lump look like skin cancer. However, they are naturally treated, but if the doctor gets worried about the seborrheic keratosis turning into skin cancer, he might get rid of it by cryotherapy.

5. Sebaceous Cyst

Due to the clogged sebaceous glands, these cysts appear on the body. These cysts are harmless and are naturally treated. However, a doctor should be concerned if they appear again and again.

6. Pilar Cyst

The pilar cyst is a slow-growing cyst that develops and appear mostly on the scalp. They may vary in size but are mostly smooth and dome-shaped. Surprisingly these cysts do not cause any pain when touched. These are not treated medically until these cysts become severe and get infected. They can also be treated for cosmetic reasons.

7. Lipoma

A Lipoma is a non-cancerous tumour, which is made up of fat cells. However, these are very rarely seen on the head. These mostly are visible on the neck and shoulder portion of adults. Often the cause of the lipoma is termed genetic. Therefore a doctor should be concerned.

8. Pilomatrixoma

Another type of non-cancerous skin tumour. These widely appear on the head, skin, and neck. These do not hurt. However, a simple lump takes a lot of time to grow completely. These appear in both children and adults. They can be treated naturally and do not require surgical treatments.

9. Basal Cell Carcinoma

The Basal Cell Carcinoma is a cancerous skin tumour. These are mostly pinkish-red in colour and painful. These often occur due to overexposure to the sun. These do not spread, but effective steps should be taken when once diagnosed. However, Mohs Surgery is the most effective and popular treatment for Basal Cell Carcinoma. 

10. Gout

When the uric acid levels in your body rise, it causes gout. Gout is a form of arthritis and therefore causes joint pain. The rise in the uric acid levels forms crystals in our body known as tophi. The tophi often appear on the head and also on the earlobes.

Know More: Best Natural Remedies For Gout

It Is Time To Call A Physician:

By far, it is very prompt and clear that bumps and lumps are not severe and do not cause any problems unless and until these are infected. So, when should you actually concern a doctor? The following symptoms, if occur, you know the bell needs to be run:

  • Severe pain and discomfort
  • A lot of difficulty in swallowing food or even liquid
  • The bump does not disappear after a few days or they appear frequently
  • The bump starts to bleed
  • The bump transforms into an open sore

Therefore, the bumps on the back of the head are not harmful. They do not cause any severe infections. A scarce chance occurs of the bump taking the form of cancer.

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