How to Lose Weight Fast in 2 Weeks: Naturally, Simple and Effective

run to lose weight fast

Being overweight is one of the biggest health problems faced by people worldwide. Losing weight is essential to prevent yourself from developing heart diseases, an unhealthy lifestyle, and confidence.

So, people interested in losing weight should follow a combination of diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. In most people, motivation tends to drop after a point that leads them to quit the diet plan and healthy lifestyle to get back to being a couch potato or leading an extremely stressful life.

While getting ready for your weight loss session, it is vital to prepare for certain roadblocks that may appear and how to overcome them. To understand how to lose weight fast in 2 weeks, you need to set goals, speak to a registered dietitian or a nutritionist, follow a diet plan, exercise daily and maintain a disciplined lifestyle.

It is never easy to get into a weight loss program because it requires great discipline and purpose to move ahead with it. Many people cannot keep up with this continuous process and prefer less time and positive results.

Here are some essential things that you must know to lose weight fast.

Plan your weight loss

Unless you have immense willpower, sticking to your dieting plans can really take a toll and cause you to give in to hunger fast. If you want to prevent something such as that from happening, here is an outline plan that you can follow:

  • Reduce the appetite slowly and carefully
  • Meet the weight loss sessions fast and without staying hungry
  • Try to improve your metabolic rate simultaneously

Three easy ways of losing weight fast

Step 1

Do you want to know how to lose weight fast without exercise? Cut down on sugar and starch as these are the most important contributors to fat gain.

Therefore, to lose weight, these are the first ones to go. As you cut down on the starch and sugar content, the hunger levels plummet, and you start consuming fewer calories.

Now the body does not burn carbs to get energy. Instead, it starts using the stored fat in your body. With the carbohydrate content going down, the amount of insulin produced gets lowered.

The kidneys start to bring down the sodium content and water in your body. Therefore, the water weight is shed, and you look less bloated.

People often lose 10 pounds or more using this method in the first week of the weight-loss session. By cutting the carb in your body, you eat fewer calories and that too without remaining hungry.

Step 2

As you lower the carb contents, replace them with a balanced proportion of fat, protein and vegetables. In fact, each of your meals should contain all three in a proportionate amount.

This will automatically bring down the carb content and keep it within a recommended range of 20 to 50 grams daily. Eating a bit of protein in every mail is essential.

This is because it improves the metabolic rate by almost 100 calories daily. It has been observed that high protein meals tend to reduce food cravings by almost 60 per cent.

Step 3

Vegetables are also important when you are on a diet. You can try your picks from low carb vegetables such as cauliflower, spinach, Brussel sprouts, lettuce, cucumber, spinach, tomato, etc.

You can eat as much as you want of these low-calorie vegetables without adding more than 50 calories daily. In fact, meals made of vegetables and meat contain all the essential minerals, vitamins, and fibre you require to stay healthy.

Fat should be consumed in a limited proportion. You can try using olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil and healthy fat such as butter in your meals. Ideally, you should consume two to three meals daily, but you can add a fourth meal if you are still hungry.

Plan your workout

workout plans for weight loss

Just as you keep a tab on the number of calories you are eating and cut down on starch and sugar, increasing the number of vegetables and protein consumed, it is important to work out at least thrice a week.

Try to do a few warm-up exercises and beat weightlifting. Lifting weight helps in burning calories and keeping the metabolic rate static.

You might even gain some muscle why you continue with your weight lifting sessions. Alternatively, you can try other cardio workouts, including running, walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming.

More weight loss tips

If you are looking for the fastest way to lose weight, here are some tips to help you out.

Perfect Breakfast

Breakfast is undoubtedly the most important meal of the day. So, it is best to consume a high protein one because it reduces your calorie intake and cravings for the rest of the day.

Say No to Sugar

If you are serious about losing weight, learn to say ‘no’ to sugar-free drinks and packaged fruit juices. These do not help you in losing fat in any way.

Drink Water Before Meals

Drinking water is essential for people in a weight-loss session. Ideally, drinking some water at least 30 minutes before meals helps in weight loss by almost 44 per cent over a period of 3 months.

Green Tea

Drinking green tea also helps in weight loss.

Mindful Eating

Eating mindfully is very important. You need to pay attention to the food you are eating and how you are eating to enjoy its taste thoroughly. In case you are starving, it is inadvisable to start eating immediately.

Instead, take some time to observe the food and its presentation before actually starting to eat. Most people eat while they are working or watching TV and really never notice what they are eating.

Chew Your Food Before You Swallow

It is equally important to eat slowly and chew the food that is in your mouth. This technique is helpful in weight loss because it gives your brain sufficient time to recognise certain signals which show that your tummy is full and you should not be over-eating.

Eat Clean Diet

Increase your intake of unprocessed foods for natural weight loss because these are more healthy and likely to control your food cravings.

Take Dietary Fiber

Consuming dietary fibre is important for creating a feeling of fullness. If you wonder what to eat to lose weight, take your pick from fibre-filled foods such as fruits and vegetables, beans, pulses, seeds, breakfast cereals, pasta, oats, barley, rai, etc.

Monitor Your Weight

Try to keep a tab on your weight almost daily or at least weekly, which will help you stay motivated.

Better Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is also important. Sleep plays a very important role in regulating certain hormones such as ghrelin and leptin, which are important for controlling appetite.

The hormone leptin sends signals to the brain that the tummy is full. Proper sleep is useful for the production of cortisol and insulin. Ideally, you should get at least 6 hours of sleep to prevent obesity.

Lower Stress Levels

Stress is terrible for your weight loss regime. This is because stress creates hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which initially reduce your appetite, but as they remain in the bloodstream, they increase your appetite and cause you to eat more.

While you are trying to lose weight, reduce your stress levels with the help of meditation or yoga, or you can also try walking or breathing exercises.

How long does it take for you to notice weight loss?

woman measuring her waist

For beginners, the results of loss through dieting are comparatively faster. You can lose almost 10 pounds in the first week and gradually on if you are consistent.

If you want to know how to lose weight fast for women, then know that being strict with yourself and maintaining the dieting rules are important for the results.

Initially, you will feel a little strange and possibly hungry, but gradually your body gets used to the new regime. If you have a medical condition, it is best to speak to a doctor before following any weight-loss session.

Reducing the consumption of carbs lowers the insulin level and creates a hormonal environment wherein the brain and body want to lose weight. Rapid reduction in hunger and appetite follows, which many people from the conventional weight loss sessions cannot adapt to.

The initial water weight reduction can act as a big motivating factor for impatient people regarding weight loss.

Take away:

Weight loss requires steady and continued effort. If you are still wondering how to lose weight fast, the above article should be quite helpful. Every method of weight loss requires equal effort and dedication.

By far, the best way to gain and maintain a healthy weight is to balance a nutritious diet and regular exercise under the supervision of a doctor or a dietitian.

Try to make vegetables, protein, all grains, and fruits a part of your daily diet, along with regular exercise if you want to stay healthy for a long time. Also, try to reduce the amount of stress you take in your regular life because that can also lead to weight gain.

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