How to Fall Asleep Fast? 9 Simple Ways

how to fall asleep faster

Sleep is the most important thing that any human being needs. It helps you a great deal and makes you feel good. Good sleep is necessary for making your body and brain function properly.

Many people have a problem falling asleep, and they have no problem staying awake all night. However, there are a lot of negative effects when you have a poor sleep. The body, the brain that includes learning, memory and mood, is affected by poor sleep.

Thus, here are some ways to fall asleep and how you can try these things out.

1. Do not use your phone for at least one hour before your sleep time

When you are trying to sleep, do not touch your phone at all. This is because the blue light of the phone screen will not let you sleep.

One of the best ways to fall asleep is to keep away the phones when you are sleeping. It is a tough habit, but you can let go of it eventually.

2. Lower the temperature of the room

Have you ever observed that when there is a power cut in the middle of the night, you wake up after a while due to the hot temperature? Well, when you sleep, your body temperature changes as and when you fall asleep.

The temperature of the core decreases and whiles the temperature of the hands and feet increases. When the room becomes too warm, then you may actually have a hard time sleeping. Hence, set your room temperature to a cool temperature to help you sleep.

3. Take a hot shower just before you hit the bed

Well, do not wash your hair before your sleep, though! When tired from the day’s work, you always suggest taking a warm bath or hot shower.

This will help intensify the change in body temperature and is one of the best answers to sleeping faster. As you cool down, this state will signal to the mind that you are ready for sleep.

4. Breathing techniques

When you cannot sleep, a certain way of breathing helps you calm yourself immediately. This may even help you unwind yourself just before bed. It is a particular breathing pattern that relaxes the nervous system.

First, you place the tip of the tongue behind the upper front teeth. Then, you exhale completely through the mouth and make the sound. After that, you close your mouth and then inhale through the nose while you slowly count till 4.

Then hold your breath and count till seven. Then open the mouth to exhale completely and mentally count to 8. You can repeat this technique at least three times.

5. Have a sleep schedule

If you have a sleep schedule and you are those people who follow them, then you need to have one definitely. There is a circadian rhythm of your body, and this internal clock will keep sending cues to your body to feel alert during the day and feel sleepy at night.

Thus, waking up and going to bed simultaneously can actually help you sleep better. Once you start following this routine, you will automatically get better sleep.

You have to get seven to eight hours of sleep for the proper functioning of the body. Give yourself some time to unwind before you hit the bed.

6. Have daylight and darkness experience.

The light can pretty much influence the body’s clock, and hence you have to regulate sleep. During the day, when you expose your body to bright light, it tells you to stay alert.

When you have irregular light exposure to your body, it will disrupt the circadian rhythms, making it harder for you to fall asleep and stay awake.

At night, the darkness promotes a feeling of sleepiness. It also boosts the production of melatonin which is an essential hormone to sleep. You can use blackout curtains to make the room dark or light.

7. Yoga and some meditation

Well, Yoga is one of the best ways to relax oneself and the body. You can practice those breathing patterns where the body movements release all the stress accumulated in the body.

Meditation can actually enhance melatonin levels, and then assistance to the brain is also provided. You can practice mindfulness, too, which can help you focus on the present and worry a little less about how to fall asleep fast.

8. Do not look at the clock

Yes, it is quite normal for anyone to wake up in the middle of the night. However, there is this inability to fall back asleep in the middle of the night. This disturbs the sleep cycle.

Hence, people who wake up in the middle of the night and then look at the clock cannot go back to sleep. In addition to this, people who have insomnia often do this.

Thus, the best possible way to avoid this is to remove the clock from the room. This way, even if you wake up in the middle of the night, you won’t look at the watch.

9. Read books just before you sleep

People who are not keen on reading books try inculcating this habit. Also, please do not read any e-books because we are talking about real paperback books.

Reading interesting and thought-provoking books can be relaxing, and they help prevent all the anxious thought patterns that can interfere with your sleep. Hence, this is one of the golden tips to fall asleep.


Thus, here are some of the ways to sleep faster at the time of the night. For all coffee lovers, avoid caffeine at night time. Sometimes, it can harm sleep quality. Do not nap during the day, too, if you want a good sleep at night. What you also eat counts and hence, eats high-fat meals to promote restful sleep.

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