How to Pop a Cyst?

how to pop a cyst

Cysts are the perfect beauty spots that you can ask from the devil! Yes, that was sarcasm, and they are horrible! A cyst is apparently a small bump under the skin.

It is often painless but quite annoying at the same time. You can barely look into the mirror and ignore the thing that keeps on growing silently every day. Cysts can grow anywhere on the body without any particular reason.

They are found more in men than women, which is a relief for women! Frankly, you don’t need to worry about it unless it has got infected. However, if it is causing any problem, then seek the help of a doctor.

What does it look like?

The cyst is also called the epidermal cyst because it appears on the topmost skin layer. It is usually round like a pea and quite smooth. Normally, it is yellowish or skin-coloured, but when inflamed, it turns red.

It will not be painless when the inflammation occurs. You may have a cyst on the side of the nose or any other face area on the face or even the body.

How to treat it?

Actually, there is no treatment for a cyst, and you don’t even need one unless it is really bothering your look. Whether you want to cure it or not, there are some do’s and don’ts to follow.

1. Never squeeze a cyst

If you are reading this article to find out how to lance a cyst, then know that you must never try to puncture it, squeeze it, open it, or scratch it.

It is a tempting thought (especially when sitting idle), but you will regret it later. The squeezing will cause sebum and bacteria to go inside the hair follicles and increase cysts. It will also leave scars on your face.

2. Keep it clean

The lumpy area of the cyst should be kept clean at all times. Try washing the oiliness with some mild soap and water.

3. Apply a warm compress

You can try using a hot compress if you want to see how to pop a cyst. Use warm washcloths on the lump for some time, preferably 3 to 4 times a day.

Ensure that the water is not too hot; otherwise, it may burn your skin. The moisture and the heat soothe the lump and enhance blood circulation in the area.

Sometimes with continued moisture or heat brings the lump to a conical head. Even if that happens, then it will take approximately a week for the change to happen.

4. Use a bandage

The head of the lump sometimes drains pus which is quite smelly. Use a bandage if that happens to prevent the contents from spreading in the area surrounding the cyst.

Change the dressing from time to time if it gets wet. In case the cyst becomes extremely red and painful, it becomes essential to consult a doctor.

5. Use ice for inflammation

For a swollen and red epidermal lump, you must try to apply ice. It reduces the inflammation a bit as the coldness compresses the blood vessels. Try to use the ice compress at least thrice in an hour at regular intervals.

Remember, do not wash the face after using the compress because since the water temperature is more than ice, the face will get warm in no time.

What to expect from the doctor?

If you really want to see how to get rid of a cyst, then visit your doctor and consult. They will have better instruments for dealing with a cyst.

Usually, the doctor will cut open the lump and remove all the dirt and pus from the inside. Alternatively, he can also inject medicine for reducing the swelling or make it tender so that removing the contents becomes easier.

Depending on the condition of the lump, the doctor may also conduct a minor surgery and take out the cyst from the root. This is a way to prevent the lump from coming back.

In all other forms of removal, there is the possibility that the cyst might form again. The last method is removing the lump with the help of laser surgery.


The cyst is not for which you should worry. You can easily cure it with simple care and treatment. If you are opting for home treatment, then patience is the key to success. Expect anything up to 12 weeks for the lump to get levelled. But if the cyst gets infected or becomes painful, then it is time to pay a visit to your dermatologist.

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