Effective Ways to get rid of hives?

how to get rid of hives

Every experienced an itch and a patchy, bumpy rash out of nowhere? You go scratch, scratch, and scratch and suddenly it is all over the area in angry red patches. This is known as hives or urticaria.

Everyone has experienced hives once, at least in their lifetime, with or without knowing they are suffering from hives! The angry patches are how the body reacts to allergens, or sometimes these occur due to unknown reasons.

Hives are definitely itchy, but they can also cause stinging and burning sensations. These can occur almost anywhere on your body, including the throat, tongue, face, lips, and ears. Hives on the face are not pretty at all as it gives an ugly look.

The size of the patch can also vary and cover very small or huge areas. The itch lasts for hours and sometimes even a whole day! Let’s know more about the hives in detail.

Common signs and symptoms

Since all people get affected by hives sometimes or the other, it is essential to know how to recognize them and get rid of a rash.

This knowledge can be crucial for preventing the disease from aggravating and blowing out of proportion. Hives do not look the same for everyone.

It depends on the cause behind the itch and can be of any size and dimension. Some hives look dark and swollen, while others are pale or even tiny.

They can form welts and also be interconnected, causing the hive to look quite large. The welts sometimes also merge to form large plaques, which are almost the size of dinner plates.

Normally, hives reduce in size within hours, but some can last as long as six weeks. If the hive is present for almost six weeks, then it is turning into a chronic one. However, most vanish within a day or so.

Following are some of the symptoms of hives:

  • The skin surface swells and forms welts which have a defined edge
  • The wheals are large, spread, joined and cover large areas of the body
  • The wheals rapidly change shape and can even disappear within minutes
  • The hives will turn white when pressed in the centre
  • You will have constant itching sensation

What are the causes behind hives?

It is challenging to establish why hives occur. Although, there are some causes of different kinds of hives, such as Allergic hives, physical hives, heat hives, and idiopathic hives. Allergic hives occur because of histamine, a chemical found in certain blood vessel cells.

Some conditions that cause histamine release include insect stings, certain food items, exposure to sunlight, and even certain medications. Stress is also considered one of the possible causes of hives, along with certain infections and allergies.

Check out this comprehensive list of allergens behind hives

  • Foods such as tree nuts, shellfish, certain fruits, and milk
  • Certain medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics
  • Allergy injections
  • Pollen
  • Pets
  • Stings and insect bites

Other reasons which can cause hives are:

  • Exercise
  • Excess perspiration
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Infections
  • Viral hives
  • Leukemia, lupus and autoimmune diseases
  • Extreme temperature like sun or cold
  • Chemical contact
  • Scratching
  • Skin pressure
  • Vibration

Physical hives are those which are caused by sun exposure, pressure, and cold. Heat hives, for instance, are caused by spicy food, hot showers, and even exercise. When unknown reasons cause hives, these are called idiopathic hives.

In the case of children, hives are caused mostly by allergens, and parents commonly fail to understand the difference between rashes and hives. In this case, parents need to consult a doctor.  

Therefore, so many possible reasons make it impossible to figure which is causing the angry red patches. Hives do not last long, but their appearance can take you by surprise.

Hives are mostly harmless, but certain varieties can have life-threatening consequences. Sometimes, hives can become chronic as well. There is no particular age for being affected by hives.       

Precautions during Hives

Treating hives requires time and patience. There are some precautions that one should follow to complete treatment soon:

  • For mild hives, treatment is not needed at all.
  • Hot baths and showers should be avoided if you want it to go away fast.
  • Also, tight-fitting clothes or those made of nylon or woollen should be avoided.
  • Try wearing a breathable fabric which is loose-fitting.
  • Watch out for triggers that are causing the itching.
    • If it is any food then it should be stopped immediately.
    • If it is an animal then it should be removed from the patient fast.
  • In case of an inflammation, avoid using fragrant products and shift to natural ones.
  • A shower is the best way of cooling itchy hives.

Natural home remedies for Hives

If you wonder how to get rid of hives, you can opt for the best antihistamine or try natural ways.

1. Oatmeal bath:

Oatmeal has high salicylic acid, which helps in keeping the skin calm and smooth before bathing. Take two cups of uncooked oats in a cheesecloth and tie it tightly.

Soak it in the bathwater. Ensure that the temperature of the water is warm rather than too hot or cold because that can lead to further eruptions.

2. Baking soda:

Baking soda contains the natural mineral natron, which is rich in sodium bicarbonate. It is a beneficial cleanser and soother and quite useful for soothing the hives and preventing the growth of new ones.

You have to create a paste of baking soda and use it on the hives. Dry it completely before washing it off. You will get immediate relief from the burn and itch. It is one of the best and easiest home remedies for hives.

3. Witch-hazel:

This liquid offers a calm and soothing relief from the burning sensation of the hives. This antioxidant can be used many times a day to bring relief to the skin.

You can make the astringent at home by mixing around 10 grams of witch hazel in a cup of water. The bark has to be mashed up and the mixture boiled.

Once the concoction has boiled for some time, could you remove it from the oven and strain it? The mixture will have to be cooled before being used for hives treatment. These tips are effective if you want to know how to cure hives fast.           

Take away:

Hives are common, but why they happen is hardly known. The reasons responsible for the large red and itchy patches are many. Try to be observant of the changes in your skin and what is triggering the same. Home remedies are beneficial in such cases, but wait a bit because it heals on its own if you have time.

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