Heart-Shaped Nipples: What You Need to Know

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There is nothing new about body modification because it is one of the age-old practices in certain countries like India, China, Ethiopia, and even Japan.

These have their roots in different religious practices, but it beautifies the body for most people nowadays.

Heart-shaped nipples are among the latest trends in body modification. The nipples are not shaped like hearts, but the areola or the dark coloured skin around the nipples is changed. This can be done with the help of a tattoo or even nipple grafting.

Modifications to the areola are mostly discouraged by doctors. Therefore, your tattoo artist is more likely to do the job for you.

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The process is quite similar to how a tattoo is done. Nipple tattoos can be quite painful, so stay away from the entire procedure unless you are brave enough to withstand them.

1. Nipple grafting:

This procedure is done by a plastic surgeon, even though most will not approve of the same. But in case you find one who is willing enough, ensure that the medical facility is clean, sterile and certified.

In this procedure, the areola will not end up symmetrical because, with gradual healing, it will distort and contract in size. So, the heart shape will not be the way you draw a heart!

The doctor will remove the brown skin of the areola and shape the skin underneath like a heart. The skin from other parts of the body will be used on the area of the nipple to create a heart shape.

2. Nipple Tattoo:

This is another way in which a heart-shaped nipple can be formed. The procedure is less risky and costly, but the tattoo will also last less than the nipple graft.

In a way, temporary tattoos are a boon if you don’t like the effect or get bored after some time. Nipple grafting is a more permanent kind of body modification and is quite costly.

A tattoo artist can change the colour of your nipple and make it dark, brown or even pink. Some artists specialise as ‘medical’ tattoo specialists and have considerable knowledge about nipple structures, breasts, and areolas.

They have access to the ink of the medical-grade and can easily blend the colours with your natural nipples. The average time required to get heart-shaped nipples is around two hours or so.

What are the risks and side effects of this procedure?

Body modifications are not free from risk. While getting heart-shaped nipples, it is quite possible to suffer from infection and scarring.

Some of these can be permanent and quite damaging. While the areola is healing, it is quite common to expect clear discharge and even a bit of bleeding.

If there is an infection, you might expect fever, white or yellow discharge, and the bleeding and pain are unlikely to stop.

Women who had breast grafting are likely to face difficulties while breastfeeding in the future. The sensitivity in the area around the areolas also reduces because of this.

But in case you have a permanent or even semi-permanent tattoo, then there will be no problem. Also, prepare for the possibility that your heart-shaped tattoo might not come out the way you had thought.

The result will vary depending on your immune system, skin texture, pigment, the healing process, and scarring. So, don’t be disappointed if you see that the breast shape changes with time and the nipple modification.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Preparing for the procedure is simple enough because most consults with the doctor or the tattoo artist.

You will need to check the background and experience of the doctor. Find out if the person has performed such a procedure in the past, and in case he has, check the pictures.

Present photographs of the heart-shaped nipple that you want to get done. Inquire if there is any hazard or risk involved in your case.

Women with piercings in their nipples will need to take those out because it will hamper the process of tattoo or plastic surgery. Inquire about the pros and cons of the procedure and how close the result is to the photograph you have provided.

How fast will be the recovery process?

Once the nipple grafting or the tattoo is complete, you will have to ensure that the area remains completely dry, clean and definitely covered.

You will definitely have enough pain, and taking a pain killer is a must. You can return to work within a day or two without any hassle, but if you work out regularly, it is best to stay away from it for some time.

As the nipple grafting is sensitive now, it is best to avoid any strain to the region or wear very tight clothes. Excessive movement of the breast tissues should be avoided after the grafting and even later on also.

The graft usually starts getting attached to the rest of the skin within seven days or so. Don’t forget to visit the doctor for a follow-up after a week. You can get back to your normal activities after almost six weeks of skin grafting.

The skin should have healed completely by now in six months, and the heart-shaped nipples should be clearly visible. Now, is actually the time to understand how well the doctor or tattoo artist has worked in the area?

It will still take quite a few months for the heart-shaped tattoos to get to their final appearance. In some cases, the doctors recommend women avoid certain brassieres shapes completely while the grated area is recovering.

Taking proper care of tattooed areas is a must because most complications arise after being done.

What is the cost of the procedure?

Any insurance does not cover heart-shaped tattoos because clients opt for such body modifications. Also, getting heart-shaped tattoos is considered quite expensive.

It depends mostly on how good the doctor is, his experience, the healthcare unit where it is performed and whether the client had to be anaesthetised.

If you hire a tattoo artist, then keep in mind that tattoos also have to be restored in terms of colours and shape, which will be the cost of getting the tattoo done.

The Takeaway

Anybody modification should not be done in a hurry. Take time and think deeply, then take any decision. For women, nipples are a crucial part of their body that needs special care.

Body modifications, especially hearth shaped nipples, are seldom reversible and even if the process can be quite expensive, not to mention painful. The tattoos may fade after some years, but you can always get them done again.

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