What are Late Growth Spurt: Signs and Natural Tips

some late growth spurt signs

The fast growth of the child as compared to normal growth is called a growth spurt. During this period, both the weight and height of a child increases fast as compared to normal.

In the case of girls, the growth spurt is between 10 to 11 years. The maximum time for this stage is 15-17 years. In the case of boys, it starts at 11 or 12 years and lasts till 16 and 17 years.

This is dependent on genes, type of diet, amount of sleep and exercise that your child does every day. When the children growth is late, they are often called late growers. So it is necessary to know the Late Growth Signs.

Some Signs of Late Growth Spurt

There are times when the growth spurt in teenagers starts late as compared to their peers. There is nothing to worry about it. With time they will be able to match the height of their friends. Below listed are the signs.

Gain In Weight

As the growth spurt comes near, the body starts preparing itself. One way to prepare is by gaining weight. The gain in weight will vary upon the growth the child will have.

Grow Wider

Gaining weight and growing wider are two different things. By growing wider, it means that the chest and shoulders will grow wide, and in a way, the body is preparing for an increase in height.

Knee Ache

Children undergoing growth may also suffer Osgood Schlatter disease. In this, the bones grow at a faster rate than joints and muscles. So, as a result of more stress on bones, they start paining. This pain is generally before or starts a growth spurt.

Clothes Don’t Fit

This is the most obvious sign of growth. If you cannot wear your favourite jeans and jacket because it doesn’t fit you, it is a sign, and you are going through a growth spurt.

Voracious Appetite

During this period, hunger increases. During this period, diet will usually be more than normal. The best way to judge a late growth spurt is by measuring you. You can keep a record of this.

Some Tips That Can Help You Grow Naturally

proper sleep for child

Proper Sleep

This is very important for healthy growth. As per studies minimum, 8 hours of quality sleep is required every night. Sleep lets the body regenerate and helps in the growth of new tissues. Even the growth hormone is released while you are sleeping.

kids eat healthy and well

Eat Healthy and Well

Eat healthily and well to support your growth spurt. Do not eat junk food and eat a well-balanced diet. Vitamin D and calcium intake is important during this period.

girl drink plenty water

Drink Plenty Water

Make sure that you keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water. It improves the metabolism of the body. Try to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day.

keep your kids active

Stay Active

Remaining active by exercising can encourage late growth spurt to increase properly. So always remain active and exercise.

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